To fully understand what today’s post is about you should be some 33 years old. therefore you would have the chance to play Playmobil’s clicks Ranch. Since I was a little boy I always wanted to own th Silver Ranch pack to play with. I spotted this landscape which is the closest I have ever seen to that kids toy game. every small detail is on it: the horses, the wooden fence, the well, the shack…I only miss the welcoming cow skull over the entrance.
Para entender el post de hoy quizás tengas que tener mas o menos 33 años y haber jugado con Playmobil de vaqueros. Desde pequeño siempre quise tener mi propio Silver Ranch, paseando descubrí está localización, es lo mas parecido que he podido encontrar, no falta detalle, caballos, valla de madera, pozo, cobertizo, el cactus… solo le falta el cartel en la entrada con la calavera.
ES Collection Total Look • Converse via JD Sports Sneakers • Giant Vintage Glasses
Photograped by Sheyla Herrero & edited by Jeffrey Herrero