I am proud to say I had the chance to participate on last BCN Bloggers Meet Up along with some other bloggers. We begun the meeting with the Start workshop, with some of the most influential bloggers invited. After a pretty interesting chat we had a tasty brunch served by Melia Sky, perfect moment to share some impressions with some colleagues. Brunch was followed by a Networking with partner brands that had organised the event. We had a superb time visiting their sets and finding out their ultimate trends. Day was crowned with a DJ party featuring DJ Dulceida, where we had real fun. The morning after begun with a yoga session by Xual-Lan and ended up with a photo shooting with some of the brands that sponsored the meeting. Pics will come along in next posts. Check out my photo-joirnal and a short video of the event.
He tenido la suerte de participar en el BCN Bloggers Meet Up junto con otros bloggers. Comenzamos la jornada con la Start Mesa Redonda con algunos de los bloggers mas influyentes como invitados. Tras este interesante coloquio degustamos el delicioso brunch servido por el Melia Sky, momento perfecto para el reencuentro con algunos compañeros bloggers. Continuamos la jornada con el Networking con las marcas que habían preparado sus sets para hacérnoslo pasar en grande y conocer sus nuevas propuestas y finalizamos con una fiesta con el Dj. Set de Dulceida en la que dimos todo. A la maña siguiente despertamos con una sesión de Yoga con Xual-Lan y terminamos la jornada con el Shooting con diferentes marcas que os enseñaré en el siguiente post. Os dejo mi diario foto a foto y el video del evento.
Gracias a The Rocking House por contar conmigo una vez mas y a todas las marcas colaboradoras. Vita Coco, Sensilis, Rimmel, Asics Tiger, Boots, Ice-Watch, Tous, Promod, Stradivarius, Hair Time, Ultimate Ears, Pompeii.
Photograped by Jeffrey Herrero, Nacho Uve, Nacho Aznar & Carola de Armas.